Su Hanyan went to Section Chief Niu.

Before Lin Qingyu stabbed her in the back with a knife, she just recorded the account for her, but she didn't expect this opportunity to come so quickly.

She should take this opportunity to give her a good lesson and make her pay for her actions.

Otherwise, she really thought that everyone else was easy to bully!

She just met Niu Hongxia just before the meal, and the two of them greeted each other.

Niu Hongxia is a divorced woman who has no children and lives alone in her forties. Therefore, her three meals a day are basically solved in the factory before going home.

After washing the lunch box, she was about to leave when she saw Su Hanyan running towards her.

"Senior Niu."

"Cigarette. Have you eaten?"

"Well. Section Chief, I have something to do with you!" Su Hanyan said.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm a little troubled about the work at work. I've been holding it in my heart for a long time, and finally I mustered the courage to come to you." Su Hanyan looked distressed, "I want you to help me guide me."

"It's done." Niu Hongxia washed the lunch box and handed it to a colleague next to her, then said to Su Hanyan, "Let's go and talk to my office?"

Su Hanyan touched her stomach and said, "I'm quite full, otherwise, let's go for a walk in the factory?"

"Okay." Niu Hongxia agreed. She raised her eyes to look at the bustling factory area, and said after a pause, "Let's go to the grove. There are too many people here, and your speech will be affected."

"Okay." Su Hanyan naturally had no objection.

The two walked and chatted. Su Hanyan reported some of her work problems to her. Niu Hongxia also encouraged Su Hanyan and affirmed her work, hoping that her character could be more cheerful and enthusiastic.

Su Hanyan nodded again and again: "Don't worry, I will. It's just, don't dislike me then!"

The original owner has a dull character, but she is not dull.

"No. In fact, our propaganda department should be more cheerful. Your blackboard newspapers are good, and your copywriting work is also good, which is worthy of recognition. However, Lin Qingyu is better at communicating with people. She likes to say. You I also learned to go out of the department and communicate more with people from other units." Niu Hongxia said.

She knows the characteristics of each of her subordinates, and she hopes that her subordinates can learn from each other, make progress together, and communicate earnestly for work.

"Okay. I see!" Su Hanyan nodded in response.

The two of them reached the grove unknowingly, but they didn't go deeper. They walked slowly on the edge and chatted slowly, only to hear Lin Qingyu's voice constantly coming from the woods.

She was still scolding, and the scolding sounded worse than the sound.

"I think that the old woman has not had a man for a long time, right? I have never seen her smile at me with a stern face all day long. She has not been nourished by a man for so long, and she has not been able to give birth to a child. Normal! Who is this normal person like her? You say that I am a warm and cheerful person who eats more in so many studios? The relationship with everyone is very good, then Su Hanyan is a P He also encouraged her and took care of things for her! What about me? You know how to suppress me! The widow's mind is so vicious, I'm afraid that if I do a good job, she will be promoted in the future..."

When Niu Hongxia heard the voice, she immediately knew it was Lin Qingyu.

Although the other party did not mention it by name, she was the one who divorced because she could not have children in this department. Obviously, Lin Qingyu was scolding her.

Niu Hongxia's chest heaved up and down, her fists clenched tightly.

I really wanted to rush up and beat her up, so I just took off the stinky socks and blocked her broken mouth.

"Senior Chief..." Su Hanyan heard the scolding, and silently put some wax on Lin Qingyu's heart, saying that hitting people would not be slapped in the face, and cursing would not expose shortcomings. This guy is so good, he directly stabbed the sore spot of the Section Chief. "Let's go, don't listen to her open mouth."

"You go back first." Niu Hongxia took a sigh of relief, turned her head and said to Su Hanyan, "You still have to be serious about work, I'm optimistic about you, come on!"

Su Hanyan nodded again and again: "I remember. Then... do I need to find Lin Qingyu..."

"No. It's my personal business. I'll take care of it myself. You go."

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